Using multi-stop navigation

Multi-stop navigation has been introduced with the release of 4.5.0. This allows users to be navigated to multiple stops within a single route.

Querying a multi-stop route

To query a multi-stop route, describe an array of either MPLocation or MPPoint on the MPDirectionsQuery. These points will be visited in order they are defined in, by default. You can enable an optimized ordering of the stops by setting the optimizeRoute property to true. If they multi-stop route is optimized, use the orderedStopIndexes property on the resulting MPRoute to determine how the original stop ordering maps to the now optimized ordering.

let query = MPDirectionsQuery(
    originPoint: .init(latitude: 57.05800975, longitude: 9.949916517, z: 0),
    destinationPoint: .init(latitude: 57.058278, longitude: 9.9512196, z: 10)

query.stopsPoints = [ 
    MPPoint(latitude: 57.0582701, longitude: 9.9508396, z: 0.0),
    MPPoint(latitude: 57.0580431, longitude: 9.9505475, z: 0.0),
    MPPoint(latitude: 57.0580843, longitude: 9.9506085, z: 10.0),

query.optimizeRoute = true

if let route = try await MPMapsIndoors.shared.directionsService.routingWith(query: query) {

Showing and configuring a multi-stop route on the map

With the introduction of the multi-stop routes. There has also been added new functionality to the MPDirectionsRenderer to facilitate the new multi-stop routes.

In addition to how a regular route would be shown on the map - multi-stop routes have a default visualization for the stops along the route. Each stop gets assigned a pin marker, with a number indicating its place in the order of stops along the route.

You can customize the visualization of stops in two ways. Firstly, you can use the default implementation of the MPRouteStopIconProvider protocol, MPRouteStopIconConfig. This allows for customization of the pin color, whether the pins should be numbered and if it should show a simple label string.

if let renderer = self.mapControl?.newDirectionsRenderer() {
    renderer.defaultRouteStopIcon = MPRouteStopIconConfig(numbered: false, color: .blue, label: "Meeting Room")
    renderer.route = route
    renderer.routeLegIndex = 0
    renderer.animate(duration: 3)

This will apply to all stops along the route. Alternatively, you can choose how each individual stop should be visualized.

renderer.render(stopIcons: [
    1: MPRouteStopIconConfig(numbered: true, color: .red),
    2: MPRouteStopIconConfig(numbered: true, color: .green),
    3: MPRouteStopIconConfig(numbered: true, color: .blue, label: "Third stop"),

This will show the first stop on the route as a red pin, the second a green pin and the third as a blue pin - all numbered accordingly. The last pin will display the label "Third stop".

You can take it a step further and provide your own implementation of the MPRouteStopIconProvider to either the render method or the defaultRouteStopIcon property on the MPDirectionsRenderer. This way, you may provide your own imagery either for all stops, or for each individual stop.

/// Implement this protocol to provide custom stop icons
@objc public protocol MPRouteStopIconProvider {
    var image: UIImage? { get }

Last updated