Custom Floor Selector

How to implement a custom floor selector

To get started, create a class that conforms to both MPCustomFloorSelector and UIView. Please bear in mind that the provided example is solely for illustrative purposes. It is essential to appropriately integrate and customize it to align with your specific requirements and design preferences.

// Custom Floor Selector class that conforms to both UIView and MPCustomFloorSelector
class MyFloorSelector: UIView, MPCustomFloorSelector {
    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)

    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: coder)

    func remove() {

    var building: MapsIndoors.MPBuilding? {
        didSet {
            if building?.administrativeId != oldValue?.administrativeId {

    var delegate: MapsIndoors.MPFloorSelectorDelegate?
    var floorIndex: NSNumber? {
        didSet {

    func onShow() {
        // Shows the floor selector
        isHidden = false

    func onHide() {
        // Hides the floor selector
        isHidden = true

    func createFloorButtons() {
        // Remove existing buttons
        for button in floorButtons {

        guard let floors = building?.floors else { return }

        let buttonHeight: CGFloat = 50
        let buttonWidth: CGFloat = 50 // Increased width
        var yOffset: CGFloat = 0
        let xOffset: CGFloat = 20 // Offset from the left of the screen

        // Sort the floors by their floorIndex
        let sortedFloors = floors.sorted { $0.value.floorIndex?.intValue ?? 0 < $1.value.floorIndex?.intValue ?? 0 }

        for (_, floor) in sortedFloors {
            let floorButton = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: xOffset, y: yOffset, width: buttonWidth, height: buttonHeight))
            floorButton.backgroundColor = .cyan
            floorButton.setTitle(, for: .normal) // Set the button title to the floor name
            floorButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(floorButtonTapped), for: .touchUpInside)
            yOffset += buttonHeight

    @objc func floorButtonTapped(sender: UIButton!) {
        guard let floorName = sender.title(for: .normal),
              let floor = building?.floors?.first(where: { $ == floorName }), // Find the floor using the floor name
              let floorIndex = floor.value.floorIndex else { return }

        // Update the floor index
        self.floorIndex = floorIndex

        // Notify the delegate

    func updateCurrentFloorButton() {
        // Reset the color of the previous current floor button
        currentFloorButton?.backgroundColor = .cyan

        // Find the button corresponding to the current floor using the floor name
        currentFloorButton = floorButtons.first(where: { $0.title(for: .normal) == building?.floors?.first(where: { $0.value.floorIndex == floorIndex })? })

        // Change the color of the current floor button
        currentFloorButton?.backgroundColor = .blue

Next step is to initialize and add the class to MPMapControl.

// Initialize a custom floor selector with a CGRect
customFloorSelector = MyFloorSelector(frame: CGRect(x: 40, y: 150, width: floorSelectorWidth, height: floorSelectorHeight))

// Set the mapControl´s floorSelector to your newly created floorSelector
mapControl?.floorSelector = customFloorSelector

Next step is to handle the floor index. In this example, the floor selector requires knowledge of the current floor index, which can be obtained by reading the value from the current building.

floorIndex = mapControl?.currentBuilding?.currentFloor

It is important that the class representing the custom floor selector you have developed must conform to both the UIView and MPCustomFloorSelector protocols.

Expected Result

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