The Integration API can be access from python for automation of tasks such as updating data. In the example below we:
Login using OAuth2 to the Mapspeople autorization server
Define a GeoData object we want to change
Send the updated GeoData to the integration API using the access token
Note For this example to work you'll need to insert you own username and password in the second line of code
There are two authentication flows you can use: username/password and Client Id/Secret.
The difference boils down to the payload you will be sending to the authorization server.
For User/Pass the payload should be formatted like this:
For more information about client Id/Secret you can read about it here:
Example script
The code below is meant as an example, not final production code. Eg. storing username/password in code is not recommended; It's only done here to keep things short and easy to read. Also do note that the example here tries to change data in the read-only demo solution which will fail - it's just an example. Change the solution ID, username password and json content to something in your solution and it will work though.
With this in mind, here is the example:
import http.client
import json
# First create a connection to the Mapsindoors Authorization server and get an access token using username/password
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = 'grant_type=password&client_id=client&'
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
conn.request("POST", "/connect/token", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
response ="utf-8")
# Got a response back from Mapspeople. Check if everything is ok
if res.status == 200:
access_token = json.loads(response)["access_token"]
print(f"Authorization failed. Response: {response}")
print("Got an access token from Mapspeople")
# Let's create an updated geojson as payload to a PUT request
payload = json.dumps([
"id": "c88c996b231746d096db5eaa",
"parentId": "34c588fecbee45f199e8d67c",
"datasetId": "550c26a864617400a40f0000",
"baseType": "poi",
"displayTypeId": "52c120dfae7e47269e930b80",
"displaySetting": {
"name": "default"
"geometry": {
"coordinates": [
"type": "Point"
"anchor": {
"coordinates": [
"type": "Point"
"aliases": [],
"categories": [
"status": 3,
"baseTypeProperties": {
"administrativeid": "311a5837-395f-4e2b-9b88-c21b1b5c7833",
"activefrom": "2015-01-16T07:09:00Z",
"capacity": "0"
"properties": {
"name@en": "Printing facilities1",
"name@da": "Print new"
# Added our access token as Authorization to the server. Note: This needs 'bearer' in front of it.
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': f'bearer {access_token}'
print("Attempting to change a geodata object")
conn.request("PUT", "", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
response ="utf-8")
if res.status != 204:
print(f"Update failed. Response: {response}")
print("Success. One geodata object was updated.")