We are now able to search for locations accross our solution, so we can now use these search results to get a route between locations.
Firstly we'll add some buttons to the search results to allow a user to select an origin and destination for the route.
Inside the SearchResultItemadd setFromLocation and setToLocation to the SearchResultItemProps
Add the setFromLocation and setToLocation to the constructor of SearchResultItem as well.
Finally inside the view of SearchResultItem add a view with two TouchableOpacity elements that when pressed calls the setFromLocation and setToLocation. Add a to and from Text element inside them to indicate what function they are using.
The implementation of setFromLocation and setToLocation will come later.
We will now add a NavigationHeader to the bottom sheet. The navigation header will be used to show the locations selected for getting directions. It's a simple view of two text fields that includes the selected locations name and venue as well as a button to get a route.
Open the NavigationHeader.tsx file. Start by expanding the NavigationHeaderProps with a to and fromLocation as well as adding a function getRoute. Inside the third view add two Text elements using the BoldText to highlight to and from, and use the location as well as venue name to describe the chosen to or from location. Lastly add the getRoute function to the Query buttons onPress.
Then we add the NavigationHeader inside our BottomSheet of the MapScreen component as well as the fromLocation and toLocation hooks and supply them to the SearchResults component inside the BottomSheet.
Now that our MapScreen is aware of the to and from locations. We will create a function inside the MapScreen that queries a route between the two locations. First we will add three useState hooks that stores information to display information about the route as well as rendering it on the map.
Inside the getRoute function we will first make sure that both the to and fromLocation is defined. Then we will create an MPDirectionsService this is used to query for a route, as well as configuring the route that we want to query. Here we set our travelMode to walking and then call getRoute on the MPDirectionsService to get a route result between the two locations. We the create an MPDirectionsRenderer note the supplied NativeEventEmitter this is used internally to send events between native and React Native. We set the route we received from the MPDirectionsService on the MPDirectionsRenderer which will cause the route to be rendered onto the map. We will also add a listener on the MPDirectionsRenderer that listens for leg changes, so that we can react to this with our views later on.
const [mproute, setMPRoute] = useState<MPRoute>();
const [directionsRenderer, setDirectionsRenderer] = useState<MPDirectionsRenderer|undefined>(undefined);
const [routeLeg, setRouteLeg] = useState<number>();
const getRoute = async () => {
if (!fromLocation || !toLocation) {
// Query route
console.debug('Querying Route');
//Creating the directions service, if it has not been created before.
const directionsService = await MPDirectionsService.create();
//Setting the travel mode to walking, to ensure instructions are for walking.
await directionsService.setTravelMode('walking');
let from = fromLocation.position
let to = toLocation.position;
console.debug({from}, {to})
//Querying the route through the directionsService after
const route = await directionsService.getRoute(from, to);
//Creating the directions renderer
const directionsRenderer = new MPDirectionsRenderer(NativeEventEmitter);
//Setting the route on the directions renderer, causing it to be rendered onto the map.
await directionsRenderer.setRoute(route);
//Listen for leg changes
directionsRenderer.setOnLegSelectedListener((leg) => {
Now that we have the MPRoute shown on the map we want to describe the individual legs of the generated route. So we will create ui that we can replace the search results in the bottom sheet with. We will create a simple view, RouteInstructionLeg that describes the step of the selected leg as well as two buttons to navigate back and forth between the legs of the route.
Add the MPRouteLeguseState hook to emit when the leg changes of the route. Add the RouteInstructionLeg inside the empty view component of RouteInstructions. Finally implement a useEffect hook that listens for the goToPage number changing, that will change the leg of the route, causing the RouteInstructionLeg to change the described leg.
The RouteInstructions are accompanied with a short step instruction for the route. That uses the htmlInstructions of the steps to describe each step, as well as the distance and duration of the selected Leg
Add two Text elements inside the view one as a header with "Leg instructions" and one that describes the accumulated duration and distance of the leg. Add a BottomSheetFlatList that takes the steps of the leg that shows a Text element per step using the htmlInstructions of the steps to describe each of them.
We now need to implement the onNext and onPrevious methods as well as integrate these views inside the bottom sheet of our MapScreen We'll start by creating a condition inside the BottomSheet view, that renders a view depending on if the MPRoute is not undefined. The MPRoute is the one we set inside the getRoute function. The goToPage listens to the index of the current route, by listening to the onLegSelected.
Inside the BottomSheet of the MapScreen Add the condition if mproute is defined below the NavigationHeader. When true we will display the RouteInstructions and when false, the SearchResults are shown.
acAdd the RouteInstructions with the route from our condition, use the routeLeguseState for goToPage, and add calls to the directionsRenderer for the previous and next leg. Move the SearchResults from previous inside the condition, to be shown when the mproute is not set. We have also implemented a function inside the onClose of our BottomSheet called clear. We will implement the functionality below.
Lastly to be able to close our bottomsheet and create new searches we will setup a function inside the SearchBox that removes the search results and the MPRoute. Also clearing the currently rendered route and closing the bottomsheet.
Add the function clear inside our MapScreen component, that sets our route, searchResults, to and fromLocation to undefined. Add a useEffect hook that checks when the mproute and searchResults are undefined, that clears any rendered route as well as closing our BottomSheet. Inside the SearchBox on the MapScreen component, add an onCancel parameter, that invokes the clear function we just added.