Showing Blue Dot

Often it is necesarry to show the user's position to deliver valuable context on the map. We do not offer any positioning inside the MapsIndoors SDK, but do deliver a positioning interface that allows you to hook up positioning data on the map.

Create a class that implements the MPPositionProviderInterface.

import { MPPoint, MPPositionProviderInterface, MPPositionResultInterface, OnPositionUpdateListener } from "@mapsindoors/react-native-maps-indoors-mapbox";
import { MyPositionResult } from "./MyPositionResult";

export class MyPositionProvider implements MPPositionProviderInterface {
    positionUpdateListeners: OnPositionUpdateListener[] = new Array()
    latestPosition?: MyPositionResult;

    addOnPositionUpdateListener(listener: OnPositionUpdateListener) {

    removeOnPositionUpdateListener(listener: OnPositionUpdateListener) {
        this.positionUpdateListeners.filter(item => item != listener);

    getLatestPosition(): MPPositionResultInterface | undefined {
        return this.latestPosition;

    get name(): string {
        return "MyPositionProvider";

Note the variable latestPosition we store on the position provider is a MyPositionResult. Go ahead and implement that class, implementing the MPPositionResultInterface, and is used to assign data like the user's current floor index, the accuracy that might be known from the used position provider, user bearing etc.

import { MPPoint, MPPositionResultInterface } from "@mapsindoors/react-native-maps-indoors-mapbox";

export class MyPositionResult implements MPPositionResultInterface {
    point: MPPoint;
    floorIndex: number;
    bearing: number;
    accuracy: number;
    positionProvider: string;

    constructor(point: MPPoint, positionProvider: string) {
        this.point = point;
        this.positionProvider = positionProvider;
        this.floorIndex = 0;
        this.bearing = 0;
        this.accuracy = 0;

Inside the MyPositionProvider class we will now implement a updatePosition method that receives a MPPoint that can be shown on our map by hooking it up with MapsIndoors.

updatePosition(point: MPPoint) {
    this.latestPosition = new MyPositionResult(point,;
    this.positionUpdateListeners.forEach((listener) => {

We can now hook our created position provider up with MapsIndoors

//Creating the position provider
let positionProvider = new MyPositionProvider();
//Assigning the position provider to MapsIndoors
await MapsIndoors.setPositionProvider(positionProvider);
//Letting our current MapControl instance know that it should show user position
//Calling update position on the position provider with a random coordinate within an area.
positionProvider.updatePosition(new MPPoint(57.0582701 + (Math.random() - 0.5) / 2500, 9.9508396 + (Math.random() - 0.5) / 2500));

The point that we send to the update position can be replaced and hooked into any positioning library callback, and by that you will have positioning shown inside your app on the map.

Last updated

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