Migrating from V3 to V4

The Android SDK for MapsIndoors has been upgraded from V3 to V4, which comes with improved interfaces and flexibility for developing your own map experience. The MapsIndoors SDK now supports Mapbox as a map provider, alongside some reworked and refactored features that simplify development and SDK behavior. This guide will cover specific changes to the SDK and how to use it to provide you with a guide on how to upgrade from V3 to V4.

MapsIndoors SDK Map Engine Flavors

With the release of V4 the MapsIndoors SDK is released as two separate libraries depending on the map provider - Google Maps or Mapbox. You can get them through Maven by changing your dependency to get:

implementation 'com.mapspeople.mapsindoors:googlemaps:4.2.5'

implementation 'com.mapspeople.mapsindoors:mapbox:4.2.5'

MapsIndoors Initialization

MapsIndoors is a singleton class, which can be described as the data layer of the SDK. Below you will find an example that demonstrates how initialization has been simplified between V3 and V4.


In V3, SDK initialization is started with:

MapsIndoors.initialize(getApplicationContext(), "mapsindoors-key", listener);

And subsequently setting the Google API key using:


If you want to change the MapsIndoors API key of an already initialized SDK you invoke:

MapsIndoors.setApiKey("new key")

And to close down the SDK, call:



In V4, initialization is started by the new function MapsIndoors.load():

MapsIndoors.load(getApplicationContext(), "mapsindoors-key", listener);

Map engine specific API keys are handled by MPMapConfig, covered in the "MapControl Initialization" section of this guide.

Switching to another MapsIndoors API key, such as for switching active solutions, is now done by invoking MapsIndoors.load() again with a new key. The SDK will close down, and reload with the new API key.

To close down the SDK without reloading a new API key, invoke:


MapControl Initialization

MapControl instantiation and initialization are separate concepts. You create a new instance of MapControl and configure it with a map and view - optionally you could set clustering, overlapping and other behavior on the object.


In V3, MapControl.init() is a separate asynchronous call:

mMapControl = new MapControl(this);
mMapControl.setGoogleMap(mMap, view);
mMapControl.init(miError -> {
    // MapControl init complete


In V4, MapControl now requires a MPMapConfig object, which is acquired using a builder on the class MPMapConfig. Here you must provide an activity, a map provider (Google Maps or Mapbox), a mapview and a map engine API key.

MPMapConfig mapConfig = new MPMapConfig.Builder(activity, googleMap, "google-api-key", view, true)

With a MPMapConfig instance, you may create a new MapControl instance. This now happens through a factory pattern. This both instantiates and initializes your MapControl object asynchronously. If everything succeeds, you will receive a ready-to-use MapControl instance - if not, you will get an error and receive no MapControl instance.

MapControl.create(mapConfig, (mapControl, miError) -> {
    // MapControl init complete

Please note that this factory method will wait to return until a valid MapsIndoors solution is loaded, therefore it is safe to invoke MapControl.create() prior to, or in parallel with MapsIndoors.load().

SolutionConfig & AppConfig


In V3, AppConfig contained information about clustering (POI_GROUPING) and collisions (POI_HIDE_ON_OVERLAP), which could be fetched and updated like this:

// get whether collisions are enabled... as a string

// set whether clustering is enabled... with a string
MapsIndoors.getAppConfig().getAppSettings().put(AppConfig.APP_SETTING_POI_GROUPING, "true");


In V4, these settings have been moved to MPSolutionConfig, which is located on the MPSolution. Now these settings have types (a boolean and an Enum type). This helps ensure that the settings are easier to configure and have no parsing errors. They can be fetched and updates like this:

// get the config from the solution
MPSolutionConfig config = MapsIndoors.getSolution().getConfig();

// get the collisionHandling enum from the config
MPCollisionHandling collisionHandling = config.getCollisionHandling();

// update the config

NB: As a consequence the SDK will no longer respect these settings in the appConfig, they will have to be set in the solutionConfig.

Venue Name


In V3, the getName() method return the venue's Administrative ID, shadowing its Display Name.


In V4, the getName() method now returns the venue's Display Name. A new method has been added: getAdministrativeId() which returns the venue's Administrative ID.

Display Rules

The manner in which the SDK handles Display Rules has recieved a major overhaul in V4. This is intended to simplify usage, such as editing Display Rules for certain Locations.


In V3 you would create new DisplayRule objects and add them onto Locations through MapControl.

Editing a single location

LocationDisplayRule singleLocationDisplayRule = new LocationDisplayRule.Builder("singleRule").setVectorDrawableIcon(R.drawable.ic_baseline_air_24).setLabel("single display rule").build();
MPLocation mpLocation = MapsIndoors.getLocationById("MyLocationId");
mMapControl.setDisplayRule(singleLocationDisplayRule, mpLocation);

Editing multiple locations

multipleLocationDisplayRule = new LocationDisplayRule.Builder("multipleRule").setVectorDrawableIcon(R.drawable.ic_baseline_air_24).setLabel("multiple display rule").build();
MapsIndoors.getLocationsAsync(null, new MPFilter.Builder().setTypes(Collections.singletonList("Meetingroom")).build(), (locations, miError) -> {
    if (locations != null) {
        mMapControl.setDisplayRule(multipleLocationDisplayRule, locations);


In V4, DisplayRules have been changed to a reference-based approach. You now receive MPDisplayRules through MapsIndoors and are able to change the values, and see it reflected on the map instantly.

Editing a single DisplayRule

MPLocation mpLocation = MapsIndoors.getLocationById("MyLocationId");
MPDisplayRule mpDisplayRule = MapsIndoors.getDisplayRule(mpLocation);
if (mpDisplayRule != null) {
    mpDisplayRule.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_baseline_air_24, Color.GRAY);

Editing multiple DisplayRules

MapsIndoors.getLocationsAsync(null, new MPFilter.Builder().setTypes(Collections.singletonList("Meetingroom")).build(), (locations, error) -> {
    if (locations != null) {
        MPDisplayRuleOptions displayRuleOptions = new MPDisplayRuleOptions().setIcon(R.drawable.ic_baseline_chair_24)
                .setLabel("Meeting Room");
        for (MPLocation location : locations) {
            MPDisplayRule displayRule = MapsIndoors.getDisplayRule(location);
            if (displayRule != null) {

Resetting Display Rules

MapsIndoors.getLocationsAsync(null, new MPFilter.Builder().setTypes(Collections.singletonList("Meetingroom")).build(), (locations, error) -> {
    if (locations != null) {
        for (MPLocation location : locations) {
            MPDisplayRule displayRule = MapsIndoors.getDisplayRule(location);
            if (displayRule != null) {

Building outlines and selections are now also DisplayRules, so that you can customize the looks just like you can when doing it on locations.

Please note that MapsIndoors has to have finished loading for these DisplayRules to not be null.

Editing Selection and Building Outline

The following methods are examples of how you can use DisplayRules to set the outline color of a building, or if selecting a building highlights it.


DirectionsService & DirectionsRenderer

There are two basic functions here - Retrieving, or querying a route, and rendering it onto the map.

Query Route


In V3, the process to query a route is to instantiate a MPRoutingProvider and set the desired travel mode, departure/arrival time, etc. You should also instantiate an OnRouteResultListener to receive the result (or error in case of failure).

int timeNowSeconds = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
MPRoutingProvider routingProvider = new MPRoutingProvider();
routingProvider.setDateTime(timeNowSeconds, true);
routingProvider.setOnRouteResultListener((route, error) -> {
    // You get your route (or error) here!

Point from = new Point(57.039395177203936, 9.939182484455051);
Point to = new Point(57.03238690202058, 9.93220061362637);

routingProvider.query(from, to);


In V4, MPRoutingProvider has been renamed to MPDirectionsService, to align with other platforms. It has also changed the method of setting a departure or arrival, as shown below.

Instantiate a new MPDirectionsService, and apply the settings needed for a route. Use the query() method to search for a route between two points.

Date date = new Date();
MPDirectionsService directionsService = new MPDirectionsService();

directionsService.setOnRouteResultListener((route, error) -> {
    // You get your route (or error) here!

MPPoint from = new MPPoint(57.039395177203936, 9.939182484455051);
MPPoint to = new MPPoint(57.03238690202058, 9.93220061362637);
directionsService.query(from, to);

Render Route


To render a given route in V3, instantiate a MPDirectionsRenderer with parameters. Then your IDE should be able to show you the various configurable attributes (various animation settings and styling) as well as setting the route. Alternatively, refer to further documentation. To start the renderer/animation, invoke initMap().

MPDirectionsRenderer directionsRenderer = new MPDirectionsRenderer(this, mMap, mMapControl, null);
runOnUiThread( ()-> {


In V4, this has been simplified. Given a route, you can instantiate a new MPDirectionsRenderer, and set the route using setRoute(). Use the MPDirectionsRenderer object to navigate through the route (next/previous leg) as well as configure the animation and styling of the route on the map. By default the route is animated and repeating, but this is customizable on the MPDirectionsRenderer instance.

MPDirectionsRenderer renderer = new MPDirectionsRenderer(mMapControl);

Map & Camera Behavior Configs

In V3, there were many overloaded methods for selection and filtering, where various boolean and integer/double values were set. In V4, the preferred method is configuration objects for heavily configurable use cases. Thus, filtering and selection methods are now dependent on MP...Behavior objects.

We have introduced MPFilterBehavior and MPSelectionBehavior. These object contains behavioral configuration to describe how and if the camera should behave. The following can be configured:

  • setZoomToFit(boolean)

  • setMoveCamera(boolean)

  • setShowInfoWindow(boolean)

  • setAnimationDuration(int)

  • setAllowFloorChange(boolean)

There are statically defined defaults available on the classes.

The "Go-To" Function

In V4 MapControl.goTo(MPEntity) is introduced. This is an easy way to quickly move the camera to almost any MapsIndoors geographical object (referred to as MPEntity). The method implements pre-determined defaults for camera behavior, which cannot be configured.

The following classes are of type MPEntity:

  • MPLocation

  • MPFloor

  • MPBuilding

  • MPVenue

Map Filtering


In V3, filtering map content is performed with MapControl.displaySearchResult(). This results in a lot of undesirable overloads.

Clearing the map filter is done by invoking MapControl.clearMap().

boolean displaySearchResults(@NonNull List<MPLocation> locations)
boolean displaySearchResults(@NonNull List<MPLocation> locations, boolean animateCamera)
boolean displaySearchResults(@NonNull List<MPLocation> locations, @Nullable ReadyListener readyListener)
boolean displaySearchResults(@NonNull List<MPLocation> locations, boolean animateCamera, int cameraPadding)
boolean displaySearchResults(@NonNull List<MPLocation> locations, boolean animateCamera, int cameraPadding, boolean showInfoWindow)
boolean displaySearchResults(@NonNull List<MPLocation> locations, boolean animateCamera, int cameraPadding, @Nullable ReadyListener readyListener)
boolean displaySearchResults(@NonNull List<MPLocation> locations, boolean animateCamera, int cameraPadding, boolean showInfoWindow, @Nullable CameraUpdate googleMapCameraUpdate, int durationMs, GoogleMap.CancelableCallback googleMapCancelableCallback)
boolean displaySearchResults(@NonNull List<MPLocation> locations, boolean animateCamera, int cameraPadding, boolean showInfoWindow, @Nullable CameraUpdate googleMapCameraUpdate, int durationMs, GoogleMap.CancelableCallback googleMapCancelableCallback, @Nullable ReadyListener readyListener)


To avoid the aforementioned undesirable overloads, in V4, filtering map content is now performed with MapControl.setFilter(List<MPLocation>, MPFilterBehavior) or alternatively MapControl.setFilter(MPFilter, MPFilterBehavior, MPSuccessListener). To clear the filter, invoke MapControl.clearFilter().

One way to perform map filtering, is given a list of MPLocation, display only these locations on the map.

MapsIndoors.getLocationsAsync(new MPQuery.Builder().setQuery("stairs").build(), null, (locations, error) -> {
    if(error == null && !locations.isEmpty()) {
        mMapControl.setFilter(locations, MPFilterBehavior.DEFAULT);

Another way is to configure a MPFilter object. This is an easy way to only show locations of a given type or category on the map.

MPFilter filter = new MPFilter.Builder().setTypes(Collections.singletonList("Stairs")).build();
mMapControl.setFilter(filter, MPFilterBehavior.DEFAULT, null);

Positioning Providers


In V3, the snippet below is the PositionProvider interface. While perfectly functional, it leaves a lot be desired in terms of readability and clarity, and avoiding bloat in the code.

public interface PositionProvider {
  @NonNull String[] getRequiredPermissions();
  boolean isPSEnabled();
  void startPositioning( @Nullable String arg );
  void stopPositioning( @Nullable String arg );
  boolean isRunning();
  void addOnPositionUpdateListener( @Nullable OnPositionUpdateListener listener );
  void removeOnPositionUpdateListener( @Nullable OnPositionUpdateListener listener );
  void setProviderId( @Nullable String id );
  void addOnStateChangedListener( @Nullable OnStateChangedListener onStateChangedListener );
  void removeOnStateChangedListener( @Nullable OnStateChangedListener onStateChangedListener );
  void checkPermissionsAndPSEnabled( @Nullable PermissionsAndPSListener permissionAPSlist );
  @Nullable String getProviderId();
  @Nullable PositionResult getLatestPosition();
  void startPositioningAfter( @IntRange(from = 0, to = Integer.MAX_VALUE) int delayInMs, @Nullable String arg );
  void terminate();


To fix this in V4, PositionProvider has been optimized and renamed to MPPositionProvider, to fall in line with other naming conventions. It has been renamed with the MP-prefix and has been heavily trimmed, to only describe the necessary interface for the MapsIndoors SDK to utilize a position provider sufficiently.

public interface MPPositionProvider {
    void addOnPositionUpdateListener(@NonNull OnPositionUpdateListener listener);
    void removeOnPositionUpdateListener(@NonNull OnPositionUpdateListener listener);
    @Nullable MPPositionResultInterface getLatestPosition();

SDK Interface Changes

Removed Classes & Interfaces

Renamed Classes & Interfaces

Last updated