How to change the appearance of the different states
The state DisplayRules controls how Locations are displayed on the map in different states For example, you can change the icon scale of a Location when it is hovered over or highlight a search result. The state DisplayRules gives access to the same properties as the regular DisplayRules, which can be used to control the appearance of Locations.
Available states
The state when the user hovers over a Location.
The state when Locations are programmatically highlighted using the mapsIndoors.highlight() method.
The state when the user has selected a Location by clicking on it.
The state when the user hovers over a highlighted Location.
The state when the user hovers over a selected Location.
To change the state DisplayRules, you can access the Solution Config object using the mapsIndoors.getSolutionConfig() method. Once you have the Solution Config object, you can access the state DisplayRules using the solutionConfig.stateDisplayRules property.
// This should happen after the 'ready' event has fired.
mapsIndoors.addListener('ready', () => {
// Get the Solution Config object.
const solutionConfig = mapsIndoors.getSolutionConfig();
// Get the hover state DisplayRule.
const hoverDisplayRule = solutionConfig.stateDisplayRules.hover;
// Set the icon scale to 2. This will result in the icon being scaled to double size on hover.
hoverDisplayRule.iconScale = 2;
// Update the SolutionCofig to apply the changes.
The default SDK behavior is to scale the icon and lighten the fill and stroke color of the polygon and extrusion.
The lightnessFactor is used to darken the fill and stroke color of both the polygon and the extrusion by 10%.
Highlight and Selection
The hoverHighlight and hoverSelection is two separate state DisplayRules to configure the appearance of highlighted or selected locations when hovered.
Default values for the hoverHighlight DisplayRule:
The default SDK behavior is to add a small badge to the upper left corner of the Location icon and ensure visibility by setting the zoomFrom and zoomTo values, and the fill and stroke color of the polygon and extrusion.
// Get the LocationsService object.
const locationsService =;
// Get all Locations of the type "Meeting Room".
const meetingRoomLocations = await locationsService.getLocations({ types: ['MeetingRoom'] });
// Highlight the Locations.
mapsIndoors.highlight( =>;
Clear the highlight:
The selection state is for changing the appearance of a single Location, for example when the user clicks on it. To select a Location, call the mapsIndoors.selectLocation() method, passing in the Location object as the parameter.