This tutorial will show how to work with the route model returned from a directions service call. It will also show how you can utilize interactions between the route rendering on the map, and text-based instructions showed in another view.
This tutorial will be based off the MapsIndoors Samples example found here: WayFinding .
An example of the view XML file for the WayfindingFragment
this guide will use can be found here: Wayfinding view .
First, create variables for MPLocation
and MPRoute
objects to use later in describing wayfinding. Also create a Variable for MPDirectionsRenderer
so we can control rendering through changes in the ViewPager
Copy private var mRoute: MPRoute ? = null
private var mLocation: MPLocation ? = null
Next step we will create the Fragment
that will contain a short description of each Leg of the route inside the ViewPager
An example of the view XML file for the RouteLegFragment
, that this guide will use, can be found here: RouteLeg view .
We will start by adding the code inside the WayfindingFragment
First, start by changing the code inside onCreateView
Copy override fun onCreateView (view: View , @Nullable savedInstanceState: Bundle ?) {
_binding = FragmentWayfindingBinding. inflate (inflater, container, false )
MapsIndoors. load ( requireActivity ().applicationContext, "gettingstarted" , null )
val routeLegAdapter = RouteCollectionAdapter ( this )
val viewPager = binding.stepViewPager
viewPager.adapter = routeLegAdapter
viewPager. registerOnPageChangeCallback ( object : ViewPager2 . OnPageChangeCallback () {
override fun onPageSelected (position: Int ) {
super . onPageSelected (position)
val root: View = binding.root
val supportMapFragment = childFragmentManager. findFragmentById ( as SupportMapFragment
mMapView = supportMapFragment.view
supportMapFragment. getMapAsync ( this )
return root
Next we will create FragmentStateAdapter
that will be used on the ViewPager
to contain RouteLegFragments
Copy inner class RouteCollectionAdapter (fragment: Fragment ) : FragmentStateAdapter ( fragment ) {
override fun getItemCount (): Int {
mRoute?.legs?. let { legs ->
return legs.size
return 0
override fun createFragment (position: Int ): Fragment {
if (position == mRoute?.legs?.size !! - 1 ) {
return RouteLegFragment. newInstance ( "Walk to " + mLocation?.name, mRoute?.legs !! [position]?.distance?. toInt (), mRoute?.legs !! [position]?.duration?. toInt ())
} else {
var leg = mRoute?.legs !! [position]
var firstStep = leg.steps. first ()
var lastFirstStep = mRoute?.legs !! [position + 1 ].steps. first ()
var lastStep = mRoute?.legs !! [position + 1 ].steps. last ()
var firstBuilding = MapsIndoors. getBuildings ()?. getBuilding (firstStep.startPoint.latLng)
var lastBuilding = MapsIndoors. getBuildings ()?. getBuilding (lastStep.startPoint.latLng)
return if (firstBuilding != null && lastBuilding != null ) {
RouteLegFragment. newInstance ( getStepName (lastFirstStep, lastStep), leg.distance. toInt (), leg.duration. toInt ())
} else if (firstBuilding != null ) {
RouteLegFragment. newInstance ( "Exit: " +, leg.distance. toInt (), leg.duration. toInt ())
} else {
RouteLegFragment. newInstance ( "Enter: " + lastBuilding?.name, leg.distance. toInt (), leg.duration. toInt ())
Let's create a method to textually describe each Leg. This method creates a string that takes the first and last step of the next leg to create a description for the user on what to do at the end of the currently shown leg. You will also create a method to get a list of the different highway types the route can give the user. These are found as enums through the MPHighway
class in the MapsIndoors SDK.
Copy fun getStepName (startStep: MPRouteStep , endStep: MPRouteStep ): String {
val startStepZindex: Double = startStep.startLocation !! .zIndex
val startStepFloorName: String = startStep.startLocation.floorName !!
var highway: String ? = null
for (actionName in getActionNames ()) {
if (startStep.highway == actionName) {
highway = if (actionName == MPHighway.STEPS) {
} else {
if (highway != null ) {
return java.lang.String. format (
"Take %s to %s %s" ,
"level" ,
if (endStep.endLocation.floorName !! . isEmpty ()) endStep.endLocation.zIndex else endStep.endLocation.floorName
if (startStepFloorName == endStep.endLocation.floorName) {
return "Walk to next step"
val endStepFloorName: String = endStep.endLocation.floorName !!
return if (endStepFloorName. isEmpty ()) java.lang.String. format (
"Level %s to %s" ,
startStepFloorName. ifEmpty { startStepZindex },
) else String. format (
"Level %s to %s" ,
startStepFloorName. ifEmpty { startStepZindex },
private fun getActionNames (): ArrayList < String > {
val actionNames: ArrayList < String > = ArrayList ()
actionNames. add (MPHighway.ELEVATOR)
actionNames. add (MPHighway.ESCALATOR)
actionNames. add (MPHighway.STEPS)
actionNames. add (MPHighway.TRAVELATOR)
actionNames. add (MPHighway.RAMP)
actionNames. add (MPHighway.WHEELCHAIRLIFT)
actionNames. add (MPHighway.WHEELCHAIRRAMP)
actionNames. add (MPHighway.LADDER)
return actionNames
Now, lets create the RouteLegFragment
to give context for the Legs in the WayfindingFragment
Copy private var mStep: String ? = null
private var mDuration: Int ? = null
private var mDistance: Int ? = null
companion object {
fun newInstance (step: String , distance: Int ?, duration: Int ?) =
RouteLegFragment (). apply {
mStep = step
mDistance = distance
mDuration = duration
You must also update the onViewCreated
method to use the new views added earlier in the tutorial.
Copy override fun onViewCreated (view: View , savedInstanceState: Bundle ?) {
super . onViewCreated (view, savedInstanceState)
binding.stepTextView.text = mStep
if (Locale. getDefault ().country == "US" ) {
binding.distanceTextView.text = (mDistance?. times ( 3.281 ))?. toInt (). toString () + " feet"
} else {
binding.distanceTextView.text = mDistance?. toString () + " m"
mDuration?. let {
if (it < 60 ) {
binding.durationTextView.text = "$it sec"
} else {
binding.durationTextView.text = TimeUnit.MINUTES. convert (it. toLong (), TimeUnit.SECONDS). toString () + " min"
Now you have the revised UI for providing the user with a more explanatory route description when navigating. Now it needs to be rendered onto the map.
We will create a method named getRoute that queries a route between two location, we know exist on the current solution. When we receive the route we will assign the route to the fragment as well as calling setRoute
on the MPDirectionsRenderer
with the received Route. We will also notify the ViewPager that the route is updated with notifyDataSetChanged
Copy fun getRoute () {
val directionsService = MPDirectionsService ( requireContext ())
if (mDirectionsRenderer == null ) {
mDirectionsRenderer = MPDirectionsRenderer (mMapControl !! )
directionsService. setRouteResultListener { mpRoute, miError ->
if (miError == null && mpRoute != null ) {
mRoute = mpRoute
mDirectionsRenderer?. setRoute (mpRoute)
requireActivity (). runOnUiThread {
binding.stepViewPager.adapter?. notifyDataSetChanged ()
val location = MapsIndoors. getLocationById ( "5a07435a4e074edc9396b2ff" )
mLocation = MapsIndoors. getLocationById ( "24ede0c9a5004a148bd01d96" )
if (location != null && mLocation != null ) {
directionsService. query (location.point, mLocation !! .point)
To change the routing when swapping between tabs on the viewpager, use the call back that we added further up inside the onViewCreated
of NavigationFragment
Copy val routeLegAdapter = RouteCollectionAdapter ( this )
val viewPager = binding.stepViewPager
viewPager.adapter = routeLegAdapter
viewPager. registerOnPageChangeCallback ( object : ViewPager2 . OnPageChangeCallback () {
override fun onPageSelected (position: Int ) {
super . onPageSelected (position)
mDirectionsRenderer?. selectLegIndex (position)
You should now have a Fragment with a map that has a route rendered on it. With descriptions of each Leg of the Route inside a ViewPager that will display the Leg related to the page that is viewed.
The full working example can be found here: WayFinding .
Last updated 7 months ago