Show a Map

Your environment is now fully configured, and you have the necessary Google Maps and MapsIndoors API keys. Next you will learn how to load a map with MapsIndoors.

Show a Map with MapsIndoors


Please note that data in MapsIndoors is loaded asynchronously. This results in behavior where data might not have finished loading if you call methods accessing it immediately after initializing MapsIndoors. Best practice is to set up listeners or delegates to inform of when data is ready. Please be aware of this when developing using the MapsIndoors SDK.

Initialize MapsIndoors

We start by initializing. MapsIndoors. MapsIndoors is used to get and store all references to MapsIndoors-specific data. This includes access to all MapsIndoors-specific geodata.

Place the following initialization code in the onCreate method in the MapsActivity that displays the Google map. You should also assign the mapFragment view to a local variable, as we will use this later to initialize MapControl inside the onCreate, after it has been created:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    mMapView = mapFragment.getView();
    MapsIndoors.load(getApplicationContext(), "YOUR_MAPSINDOORS_API_KEY", null);

If you are not a customer you can use this demo MapsIndoors API key d876ff0e60bb430b8fabb145.

Initialize MapsControl

We now want to add all the data we get by initializing MapsIndoors to our Google map. This is done by initializing MapControl onto the Google map. MapControl is used as a layer between Google Maps and MapsIndoors.

Here we use Google Maps logic to apply geodata onto the map. This also means we append logic onto many Google Maps listeners, which means that using Google Maps listeners directly might break intended behavior of the MapsIndoors experience. We recommend to check our reference docs, and see if you can add a specific Listener through the MapControl and always use those when possible.

Start by creating an initMapControl method which is used to initiate the MapControl and assign it to our Google map:

void initMapControl(View view) {
    MPMapConfig mapConfig = new MPMapConfig.Builder(this, mMap, getString(R.string.google_maps_key), view, true).build();
    MapControl.create(mapConfig, (mapControl, miError) -> {
        mMapControl = mapControl;
        //Enable Live Data on the map
        if (miError == null) {
            //No errors so getting the first venue (in the white house solution the only one)
            MPVenue venue = MapsIndoors.getVenues().getCurrentVenue();
            runOnUiThread( ()-> {
                if (venue != null) {
                    //Animates the camera to fit the new venue
                        mMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(LatLngBoundsConverter.toLatLngBounds(venue.getBounds()), 19));

In your onMapReady callback function, assign the mMap variable with the GoogleMap you get from the callback and call the initMapControl method with the mMapView you assigned in the onCreate to set up a Google map with MapsIndoors Venues, Buildings and Locations:

public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) {
    mMap = googleMap;

    if (mMapView != null) {

Expected result:

See the full example of MapsActivity here: or MapsActivity.kt

The Mapbox examples can be found here: or MapsActivity.kt

Last updated