To get started with Indoor Atlas positioning, you need to create a positioning implementation which enables communicating the positions received from Indoor Atlas with the MapsIndoors SDK.
The Position Provider implementation exists at the customer application level, and needs to use the MPPositionProvider interface from the MapsIndoors SDK. The MapsIndoors SDK can then use the positioning results given by the given Position Provider, by setting the Position Provider with MapsIndoors.setPositionProvider(MPPositionProvider).
The Position Provider should align with the MapsIndoors Floor index convention (floors are indexed as e.g 0, 10, 20, 30 corresponding to ground floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor, with negative floors indices allowed as well to indicate Floors below ground, e.g. -10). It is therefore up to the Position Provider class to convert any given Floor indexing from the positioning source to that of MapsIndoors.
For a typical Position Provider, the mapping from the positioning's index needs to be mapped to the MapsIndoors Floor format. This is possible through the CMS or creating your own int:int mapping.
The outer keyset (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) contains the name of the positioning provider, for example, indooratlas3 for IndoorAtlas, or ciscodna when using Cisco DNA Spaces.
The inner keyset (Map<String, Object>) consist of various attribute fields for a given positioning provider, such as keys, floor mapping etc. These attribute fields will vary across different positioning providers, so refer to their own documentation for details.
This Guide requires you to already have an activity that shows a MapsIndoors Map as well as a Indoor Atlas beacon network for positioning. We use Indoor Atlas v3 for this guide. Here is how to set it up in your project: Indoor Atlas setup
To begin, we will start implementing the Indoor Atlas position provider. Create a class called IndoorAtlasPositionProvider that implements the MPPositionProvider interface from the MapsIndoors SDK, and create a constructor that takes a Context as parameter. If you have IndoorAtlas setup through MapsIndoors you can use the MPIndoorAtlasConfig from your solution as a convenience on setup.
We will then start implementing the code to get Indoor Atlas positioning up and running.
For Indoor Atlas to work you will need to supply Indoor Atlas with a API key and a secret key. This can be handled in two ways, if the Indoor Atlas account is setup through MapsPeople CMS on the Position Provider tab, we will have the data for this stored on the MapsIndoors SDK. If not you will have to handle the two keys yourself, this can be done through String resources as an example.
We start by creating a method to initiate the Indoor Atlas client. Here the method is called initClient.
Create a IAOrientationListener and IALocationListener we will register theese to the IndoorAtlas client when we start positioning. We will also implement a notifyPositionUpdate method to notify the Positionupdate Listeners of a position change.
classmyFragment: Fragment(), OnMapReadyCallback {privatevar mPositionProvider: IndoorAtlasPositionProvider? =nulloverridefunonCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?,): View {... MapsIndoors.load(requireActivity().applicationContext, "myapikey") {// Attach the position provider to the SDK mPositionProvider =IndoorAtlasPositionProvider(requireActivity(), MapsIndoors.getSolution()!!.indoorAtlasConfig!!) MapsIndoors.setPositionProvider(mPositionProvider) }//Have a buttton or other logic to start positioning: binding.startPositioningButton.setOnClickListener {//Remember to handle permissions specific to the Position provider you are using mPositionProvider?.startPositioning() }... }}
Lastly, we need to tell MapControl that we want to show the position on the map.
MapControl.create(mapConfig) { mapControl: MapControl?, miError: MIError? -> mMapControl = mapControl// Enable showing the position indicator (aka. the blue dot) mMapControl?.showUserPosition(true)}
A full example implementation of the Indoor Atlas position provider can be found here: PositionProviders