Location Details

This is an example of displaying some details of a MapsIndoors location

Requirements for this tutorial will be to have a running fragment or activity with a MapsIndoors Map loaded and ready to use.

We need a view that shows the details of the location. Here we will use a TextView to display the name and description of a location:

    android:text="This is the text view for details of the location"/>

Once the map is ready move the camera to a Venue:

val venue = MapsIndoors.getVenues()!!.currentVenue
activity?.runOnUiThread {
    if (venue != null) {
        //Animates the camera to fit the new venue

We will then create a listener for when a user clicks on a marker to show the details of the selected location. This is done by setting a onLocationSelectedListener on your MapControl object. We will also listen to when the info window closes, to remove the DetailsTextView from the view. This is done by setting the onMarkerInfoWindowCloseListener on MapControl.

When a marker is clicked, get the related MapsIndoors location object and propagate that to a method that fills the text in the detailsTextView.

mMapControl?.let { mapControl ->
    mapControl.setOnLocationSelectedListener {
        if (it != null) {
        return@setOnLocationSelectedListener false
    mapControl.setOnMarkerInfoWindowCloseListener {
        binding.detailsTextView.visibility = View.GONE
        mMapControl?.setMapPadding(0, 0, 0, 0)

Create the showLocationDetails(location: MPLocation) method in your project.

private fun showLocationDetails(location: MPLocation) {
    binding.detailsTextView.text =  "Name: " + location.name + "\nDescription: " + location.description
    binding.detailsTextView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
    mMapControl?.setMapPadding(0, 0, 0, binding.detailsTextView.height)

A TextView will now appear when a user selects a location and it will disapear again when the user clicks away from the location.

See the sample in LocationDetailsFragment.kt

Last updated

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